Setelah kita membahas conditional baik type I, II, dan III , maka berikut ini kita akan mencoba kemampuan kita untuk menyelesaikan Contoh soal latihan yang berhubungan dengan kalimat pengandaian atau if conditional. Dengan menekankan pada kata yang di bold atau di garis bawahi
She will understand is she tried to listen the truth
If she had known the news, she would try her best
If I am you I will buy the car
She will go to your house, if she took you with her.
If you had studied hard, you should had take the scholarship
I wouldn’t go if she understand my feeling.
They will bring the goods if they knew the best seller in town
My mom would buy the things if she transfer the money
If you studied hard, you will success
If you knew my number, you will call me
We would passed the test if we studied hard
If she is a president she will buy the small island
We will successful, if we always work hard
If she listened the song, it will make her sad
If you miss her, you would called her
Itulah beberapa soal tentang if conditional atau kalimat pengandaian, dan bagi teman teman yang ingin meningkatkan kemampuan Bahasa ingrgisnya, baik untuk private one on one, small group, maupun company training, bisa menghubungi kami di 081237711123. Solusi belajar Bahasa inggris di bali tanpa harus menggunakan rumus rumusan, dan bagi yang ingin mencoba cara atay system mengajar kami, bisa mencoba free trial terlebih dahulu, yuk langsung di hubungi di 081237711123.
Lec bali
Your English solution
- Tries
- She would have tried
- Were
- Takes
- Should have taken
- Understood
- Know
- Transferred
- Study
- Know
- Pass
- Were
- Be successful
- Listens
- Will call