Phrasal verbs akan selalu muncul, mau atau tidak mau untuk dipelajari. Memang bagian ini cukup sulit saat dipelajari, karena kata kerja asli bisa beda artinya setelah ditambahkan preposition. Meskipun begitu, phrasal verbs sudah seharusnya kamu kuasai sebagai tambahan vocabulary. Nggak ada poinnya kalau kamu menebak-nebak arti sebuah phrasal verbs! Kita lihat saja contoh, “I got on the bus,”. Kelihatan sekali kan, got (past verb dari get) yang memiliki arti mendapatkan, jika ditambahkan on dalam kalimat tersebut akan berarti memasuki. Kalau dalam kalimat tersebut berarti “Saya naik bus.”
Nah kali ini, saya akan memberikan beberapa frase dengan tambahan kata off yang biasa digunakan dalam percakapan umum Bahasa Inggris dan juga contohnya. Nggak cukup hanya mengerti artinya, kamu juga harus berlatih menggunakan frase-frase tersebut. Silahkan dicatat! 🙂
Back off: mundur, menjauh.
“A guy talked to me at the disco. But I backed off because he had strange hair.”
Burn off: istilah dalam olahraga; menghilangkan lemak.
“Long distance running is an excellent way to burn off fat.”
Buzz off: ungkapan sopan dari “go away”.
James: “You don’t look very happy today.”
Annie: “Oh, buzz off!”
Call off: membatalkan.
“The meeting was supposed to be today at 12 pm, but it’s been called off. It’s going to be tomorrow instead.”
Cool off: ketika kamu merasa gerah/panas, lalu kamu mendinginkan badan.
“It’s 40 degrees outside. Thank goodness for air conditioning, at last I can cool off.”
Dash off: pergi ke suatu tempat dengan terburu-buru.
“Sorry, dear. I can’t stop now, I have to dash off to my mother’s house.”
Drive off: mengendarai mobil secara tergesa.
“I saw the accident, but the car drove off before I could see the number plate.”
Drop off: mengantar barang/orang ke suatu tempat.
“My friend dropped off the book I was waiting for.”
Fall off: jatuh dari motor, sepeda atau berkuda.
“I’ve fallen off horses more times than I can remember.”
Fobb off: memberi alasan kepada seseorang atas apa yang telah dilakukan; berkelit.
“My boss was asking about the report. I fobbed him off by saying it would be finished by tomorrow. I haven’t even started!”
Go off:
1) ketika ada suara meledak, seperti kembang api, atau,
2) ketika makanan sudah nggak enak lagi/ basi.
1) “All was quiet, then suddenly there was a loud bang of fireworks going off.”
2) “Don’t eat that cheese! There are green things growing on it. It’s gone off!”
Laugh off: ketika ada sesuatu yang salah dan seseorang tidak menganggap serius.
“I told James that he was getting fat. But he just laughed it off.”
Lay off: dipecat dari pekerjaan.
“They say the company is going to lay off fifty employees in the next three months.”
Make off with: pergi dengan membawa suatu barang yang seringkali bukan miliknya.
“He seemed so trustworthy but he made off with a silver teapot.”
Pair off: berpasangan.
“Now pair off and the tango will begin!”
Pay off: membayar tagihan.
“I’ve paid off my credit card in full. That’s a relief!”
Polish off: selesai; pembicaraan tentang makanan.
“He said he wasn’t hungry, but he polished off all the smoked salmon.”
Put off: menunda.
“I’ve got a very difficult essay to write. I’ve been putting it off all week.”
Rub off: dipengaruhi.
“That naughty brother of yours is rubbing off on you. Your bedroom is a real mess.”
Scare off: menakuti seseorang.
“What a shame. The man at the pub seemed so nice. I think I scared him off when I told him I have three children.”
Sell off: menjual barang, biasanya dengan harga yang sangat murah.
“Due to lack of money, they had to sell off their house.”
Show off: pamer.
“Look at the way she’s dancing. She’s just showing off.”
Sneak off: kabur.
“Where’s Tony?” “He’s not here. He must have sneaked off.”
Stop off: berhenti sebentar (dalam perjalanan), sekaligus untuk menginap.
“Oh look, what a lovely hotel. Shall we stop off there for the night?”
Switch off: mematikan alat yang tersambung dengan listrik, misalnya saklar lampu, stereo, TV.
“I’ve got a terrible headache. Please can you switch off the stereo?”
Take off:
1) membuka sesuatu, lebih kepada pakaian, atau
2) pesawat lepas landas.
1) “It’s hot in here. I think I’ll take off my jumper.”
2) “The plane has taken off. Now we’re airborne.”
Tell off: menegur.
“The children were making too much noise and I told them off.”
Tip off: memberi informasi rahasia.
“I was tipped off by a stockbroker about a certain increase in the value of some shares.”
Ketika kamu menggunakan pronoun pada kalimat di atas, pisahkan antara verb dan preposition.
For example: “I |told (verb)|them (pronoun)|off (preposition).”
Ketika menggunakan obyek, jangan dipisah.
For example: “I |told (verb)|off (preposition)|the children (obyek).”
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