Apakah kamu seorang chef, bartender atau waiter/waitress yang bekerja dalam dunia pariwisata? Atau kamu seorang murid yang lagi kerja part time di sebuah restaurant?
Apapun pekerjaanmu, kalau bidang kamu adalah pariwisata, bahasa Inggris tentu menjadi hal yang paling utama yang kamu harus pahami. Nah, kali ini saya akan memberikan quiz untuk mengetahui sejauh mana pemahamanmu mengenai ‘handling your guest’. Akan ada empat sesi nih. Ayo kita simak!
F&B vocabularies
How will your guests respond to your questions? They need to understand you, but even more importantly, you need to understand them! Choose the right word and check your answers.
- We’ll take a……of beer with four glasses, please?
- a) picture
b) pitcher
c) bunch - I think we are all ready to……
- a) border
b) request
c) order - Can we look at the……please?
- a) specials
b) details
c) sessions - I think we’ll get another order of garlic bread to……
- a) bite
b) have
c) go - I like my steak……so there is a little pink in the middle.
- a) raw
b) medium rare
c) dead - Do you have any……to dip the chicken fingers in?
- a) pepper
b) meat
c) sauce - Everything is……thank you.
- a) delicious
b) late
c) checked - I can’t eat another
- a) drink
b) thought
c) bite. - We’ll have coffee while we look at the dessert
- a) delicious
b) menu
c) bowl. - You can put it all on one……thanks.
- a) bowl
b) glass
c) bill - I have to…… off next Saturday because it’s my birthday.
- a) debit
b) charge
c) book - Your…… will be by in a moment to take a drink order.
- a) busboy
b) sous chef
c) waiter - Some of our regulars were so drunk they had to be……and sent home in taxis.
- a) cut off
b) last call
c) defrosted - Can you bring table #2 some…….so they can eat their dinner?
- a) debits
b) silverware
c) paycheques - I’ll write down that I started at nine o’clock, because I forgot to……
- a) punch in
b) cash out
c) take out. - The cheese on these nachos isn’t
- a) fried
b) boiled
c) melted enough. - We have two domestic and two imported beers on…….
- a) mild
b) draft
c) homemade - I’ll take a gin and soda……
- a) on the rocks
b) on the side
c) à la carte. - Seniors get a…….on food, but not on liquor.
- a) dessert
b) discount
c) sauce - The reservation requested a…… if there’s one available at seven.
- a) dishpit
b) restroom
c) booth
Serving at table
- Can I…….anyone in a cold beverage to start?
- a) bother
b) interest
c) interact - Has everyone……or do you need a few more minutes with the menu?
- a) choosed
b) picked
c) decided - Would you like to hear today’s…….?
- a) specials
b) seasons
c) leftovers - Is anyone interested in soup or salad as an…….?
- a) alcohol
b) a la mode
c) appetizer - How would you like your steak…….?
- a) poured
b) to look
c) cooked - Is there anything else you’ll be…….?
- a) to need
b) needed
c) needing - And how is everything…….?
- a) so far
b) so good
c) so fine - Are you all…….with your first course?
- a) great
b) complete
c) finished - Did anyone…….room for dessert?
- a) serve
b) get
c) save - Is this all together, or would you like…….?
- a) some
b) other
c) separate bills
Mau nyoba cara belajar yang menarik dan nggak biasa? Jangan khawatir, LEC Kursus Bahasa Inggris di Bali akan dengan senang hati membantu. Program belajarnya pun tidak baku, tapi sesuai kebutuhanmu. Jadwalnya fleksibel, kapan aja kalian mau. Bukan hanya itu, kalian juga bisa mengetahui kemampuan bahasa Inggrismu secara GRATIS!
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