contoh daily activites,
I always wake up at 5,30 am Every day. After that I go to toilet brush my teeth, and prepare myself to pray. After praying, I do small exercise to keep my body feeling safe and fresh. At 6.30 Am I get ready to take shower. After that I have a breakfast, actually I have only bread and tea, however I am not really hungry as well.
At 7.30 am I go to my work place, and it will reach 20 minutes to arrive there. And after arriving there, I go to my table, and prepare all materials and after that I start teaching. I will be teaching 1 until 1,5 hours per students and every day I have around 5 students to teach. At 1 pm I have a break, and I have lunch, and I always bring my lunch from my home, after that I pray as well. I continue my work until 4,30 pm and I get ready to go home.
Arriving at 5 pm, because on the way home is so traffic, and I go to toilet to take shower and of course will be feeling fresh, at 6 Pm I prepare myself to pray and have dinner with my family. About 7,30 pm, we always watch together and have small conversation with my family, and try to check my children homework. And before sleeping at 9,30 pm. I pray first and make sure all the doors locked and turn off the lamp.
Itulah Contoh sederhana daily activities dari seoarang karyawan swasta, dan semoga bisa memotivasi kita untuk bisa lebih percaya diri untuk bisa menerapkan kegiatan sehari hari kita dalam Bahasa inggris. Dan bagi teman teman yang ingin belajar Bahasa inggris, atau kursus Bahasa inggris, bisa langsung menghubungi kami ya, Lec bali, di jalan raya sesetan gg taman sari no 21, telp 081 338 725 123 dan dengan datang lansung bisa juga kita langsung mengadakan free trial langsung. Dan bagi yang belum ada waktu bisa mencoba online test kita di
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