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Cara mengungkapkan kemungkinan atau expressing possibility, tentu sering dijumpai dalam percakapan bahasa Inggris. Mari belajar contoh-contoh di bawah ini agar kamu bisa menjadikannya sebagai referensi belajar.
Expressing Possibility
– May (Mungkin, barangkali)
– Maybe (Mungkin, barangkali)
– Perhaps (Boleh jadi, mungkin, boleh juga)
– Possibly (Mungkin, barangkali)
– It is possible (Itu mungkin saja, boleh jadi)
– Might (Mungkin, boleh jadi)
– There’s a chance (Ada kemungkinan)
– Could be (Bisa jadi, mungkin)
Contoh percakapan 1:
A: Where is Anna? Don’t you come here with her?
B: I don’t know, she doesn’t answer my phone. Perhaps, she is on the way.
A: If she doesn’t come in 15 minutes, we could be late for the movie!
B: She is possibly trapped in a traffic jam.
A: Yes, maybe. I hope she will come on time.
Contoh percakapan 2:
A: What’s going on?
B: I can’t find my important notes. My meeting schedule is on there!
A: Hmm.. It could be lost.
B: No, I remember that I put it on the table this morning.
A: Have you asked Mrs. Hugh? maybe she knows where it is. I saw her clean up your desk this morning.
B: Yes I will ask her.
A: I think she might tidy it up and put it somewhere. Don’t worry.
Contoh percakapan 3:
A: Why do you look so nervous?
B: I am thinking about my proposal to Diana.
A: Don’t worry, sure she will come. She might stuck on the traffic jam at the moment. Have you phoned her?
B: Yes, but I can’t reach her.
A: Let’s wait patiently then.
Contoh percakapan 4:
A: Are you sleepy?
B: No, I am headache. So I think it could be better if I sleep.
A: Maybe you need some medicine. I have in my bag. Wanna try?
B: Perhaps, I need it.
A: Ok, wait for a while. I will take it.
Contoh percakapan 5:
A: Does Rina bring your notebook?
B: I don’t think so. She brings a small bag, and my book can’t be put there. So maybe she forget to bring it.
A: She always forget to give it back to you. It is possible that the book is lost.
B: Yeah, maybe. I don’t really want to think about it.
Mau nyoba cara belajar yang menarik dan nggak biasa? Jangan khawatir, LEC BALI Kursus Bahasa Inggris di Bali akan dengan senang hati membantu. Program belajarnya pun tidak baku, tapi sesuai kebutuhanmu. Jadwalnya fleksibel, kapan aja kalian mau. Bukan hanya itu, kalian juga bisa mengetahui kemampuan bahasa Inggrismu secara GRATIS!
Kami akan membantu kalian belajar bahasa Inggris tanpa rumus, dan bahasa Inggrismu pasti akan terasah jika belajar bersama kami.
Mau tahu info lengkap lainnya? Datang langsung ke Jl. Raya Sesetan Gang Taman Sari No 21 Sesetan, Denpasar Selatan – Bali atau segera telepon ke nomor (0361) 4749517 atau 081 338 725 123 untuk ikut kelas dengan penawaran menarik sekarang juga!
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