Well, kali ini saya akan membahas tentang jenis-jenis kata sifat yang berkaitan dengan rasa makanan. Saya sering menemukan beberapa kata di bawah yang digunakan dalam video resep masakan di fanpage sosial media. Semoga bisa membantumu juga, baik dalam mengetahui maknanya, maupun menjelaskan kepada foreigners ;).
Acidic: Asam
Lemons and limes are acidic fruits.
Plain: Tawar
Tom eats plain and simple food, because he is on diet.
Bitter: Pahit
I don’t like beer. The taste is bitter!
Brinny: Memiliki bau khas laut/ bau garam (khusus untuk ikan)
We fried briny sardines with sweet peppers, onions, and tomatoes, and served it with whole wheat bread.
Burnt: Gosong
Don’t let my steak burnt! I like it medium.
Buttery: Terasa mentega
They just melt in your mouth, all sweet and buttery.
Caramelized: Dibalut dengan caramel/ gula
Sweet, caramelized cashews were placed on the serving table to be enjoyed by everyone.
Chewy: Kenyal
I can’t bite the meat. It’s so chewy!
Crispy: Kering / renyah
The crispy skin of roasted pig is so mouthwatering!
Crumbly: Gampang menghasilkan remah-remah.
Don’t eat crumbly biscuits on the bed, Nana!
Crunchy: Garing
Crunchy shrimp cracker is the best.
Fatty: Berlemak
Who cares if that fatty cheeseburger is unhealthy? I don’t consume it as everyday’s meal.
Fizzy: Bersoda
“One fizzy cola, please”, she said.
Flaky: Tekstur makanan yang terlalu renyah
Mom loves to buy flaky pastries. Her favorite is croissant.
Flavorful: Kaya rasa
I won’t refuse a dinner of smoked turkey, stuffing, and mashed potatoes with a heavy, flavorful gravy.
Garlicky: Terasa bawang putih
Don’t feed me anything garlicky. I have allergic to it.
Greasy: Berminyak
My foreigner friend loves to buy greasy ‘gorengan’.
Hearty: Sehat
Let’s try to make a hearty snack!
Heavenly: Sedap
Meat lover pizza is so heavenly.
Icy: Dingin
An icy iced tea is the most popular meal-companion drink in most of Indonesian food stalls.
Juicy: Mengandung banyak air/ cairan
The steakhouse served tender and juicy steak.
Lean: Tidak berlemak
Buy and eat lean meats.
Melting: Meleleh
The chocolate cake was just melting in my mouth.
Mild: Tidak terlalu pedas
One mild asparagus soup, please.
Milky: Terasa susu
Poured me a big mug of milky coffee.
Minty: Terasa daun mint
A pack of minty chewing gum perhaps could heal my bad mood.
Moist: lembut
My warm and moist tiramisu cake is ready!
Mushy: Makanan yang lembut dan mengandung air, tetapi bukan lembut karena tekstur aslinya.
All the apples have gone mushy, they must be old.
Nutty: Terasa kacang
Stay me away from pancake with nutty topping.
Overripe: Terlalu matang (biasanya untuk buah)
I made a banana cake from some overripe bananas in the fridge.
Peppery: Pedas (karena pepper/lada)
Don’t made any peppery food for grandma.
Pickled: Dijadikan acar
I’d like pickled cucumber for dinner.
Rancid: Memiliki rasa yang kuat dan berbau tidak sedap karena makanan tersebut tidak lagi segar.
How old is this milk? It smells rancid.
Refreshing: Menyegarkan
How about refreshing drink while seeing sunset this evening?
Roasted: Dipanggang
Tonight’s dinner is roasted chicken with mashed potatoes.
Rubbery: Keras / seperti karet
The eggs were overcooked and rubbery.
Runny: Cair
Sunny side-up egg is better if the yolk is runny.
Savory: Gurih
Why don’t you make a savory popcorn than the sweet one?
Silky: Halus seperti sutra
The tofu in the soup is very silky.
Smoky: Makanan yang diolah dengan dibakar (menggunakan arang)
Bacon, whisky, and lox/smoked salmon are all smoky foods.
Soggy: Lembek
Don’t put too much water. It’ll be soggy later.
Sour: Masam (dalam konteks yang negatif)
Ugh, this is the sourest mango ever!
Spicy/ hot: Terasa rempah-rempah / pedas
I don’t really like Indian food. Most of them are spicy.
Sticky: Lengket
Mango sticky rice is the most popular dessert in Thailand.
Stodgy: Makanan berat, penuh dengan isian/ mengandung banyak karbohidrat
He loves stodgy pudding.
Sugary: Manis
Put one tablespoon sugary orange syrup.
Sweet and Sour: Asam manis
This pineapple tastes sweet and sour.
Tangy: Tajam
Durian’s smell is so tangy!
Tart: Asam (rasa yang seharusnya memang asam)
The lemon curd is both tart and sweet.
Tender: Empuk
Bake the chicken until tender.
Toasted: Dipanggang
I always eat a slice of toasted bread for breakfast.
Unflavored: Tanpa rasa
This gelatin is unflavored so you can mix it.
Vinegary: Terasa cuka
The salad dressing was too vinegary and sour.
Watery: Berair
The soup is too watery and unseasoned.
Wilted: Layu
The lettuces stayed on the shelves for so long that they were wilted.
Yummy/ Delicious: Lezat
My mom’s dishes are so yummy as usual.
Zesty: Memiliki kandungan rasa yang kuat seperti citrus
For the cooking contest, the winning chef created a zesty chicken stew using deboned chicken strips and a lemon orange sauce.
Mau tahu info lengkap lainnya? Datang langsung ke Jl. Raya Sesetan Gang Taman Sari No 21 Sesetan – Denpasar Selatan – Bali atau segera telepon ke nomor 081237711123 untuk ikut kelas dengan penawaran menarik sekarang juga!
LEC BALI, We are your English solution!
makanan enak inggrissays:
wah.. artikerlny keren. kadang emang susah nyari adjective yang pas untuk suatu kondisi.. memang harus bnyk mraktekkin saman ngerasain en balajr tentunya. thankss yaakk!
Alung Linggasays:
@makan enak inggris Thanks ya udah ngunjugin website kita. Kalau mau belajar bahasa Inggris dengan mudah hubungi aja LEC BALI. 🙂