Setelah kamu mengetahui delapan jenis adverb (kata keterangan) yang sudah kita bahas sebelumnya, kamu juga perlu tahu di mana kamu bisa meletakkan adverb ketika membuat kalimat.
Untuk penempatan di awal kalimat, adverb yang bisa digunakan adalah conjunction adverb and adverb of time.
Conjunction adverb:
- You can eat your cake with a spoon or fork. However, people in Japan still eat using chopsticks.
- At 10 a.m., Paul was supposed to be taking his biology midterm. Instead,he was flirting with the pretty waitress at the coffee house.
Adverb of time:
- Today I am going to Singapore for holiday.
- Two days ago was an amazing experience. I won an International competition!
Penggunaan adverb di tengah kalimat biasanya setelah auxiliary verb (kata kerja bantu).
- Setelah Be (is, am, are, was, were):
- This gown is definitely suited for me. (adverb of certainty)
- My mom was slowly finishing her job. (adverb of manner)
- Setelah modals “will”
- They will probably paid late. (adverb of certainty)
- I will certainly help you. (adverb of certainty)
- Setelah have/has
- She has apparently passed the class. (adverb of certainty)
- We have never eaten Italian food. (adverb of frequency)
- Sebelum verbs (kata kerja)
- They obviously forgot to read the directions. (adverb of certainty)
- He often invites people for Thanksgiving. (adverb of frequency)
- We just finished painting the house. (adverb of time)
- Sebelum adjective atau adverb lain
- Isyana sings pretty well. (adverb of degree)
- Ari reads quite clearly. (adverb of degree)
Penempatan adverb di akhir kalimat biasanya untuk adverb of time, adverb of manner, dan adverb of place.
Adverb of time:
- Angie likes watching action and horror movies on weekends.
- Don’t forget to meet me at three o’clock.
- See you tomorrow afternoon!
Adverb of manner:
- He wrote the answers correctly.
- Raisa plays piano thoughtfully.
- She drives carefully.
Adverb of place:
- Father is sleeping upstairs.
- I’m working in the garden outside.
- In a couple of days I will be traveling north.
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